Check this out! Great information from Provider Fan, Jen Cordaro!
“Turkey Tail! Major fungi powerhouse score! These gems have been used for centuries around the world. They contain Polysaccharopeptides, responsible for the major immune-boosting properties they contain. Research has demonstrated that turkey tail mushrooms may have antitumor properties, thought to be related to its immune-boosting effects.
Due to its many beneficial compounds, turkey tail is commonly used in tandem with traditional treatments like chemotherapy as a natural way to fight certain cancers. A review of 13 studies found that patients given 1–3.6 grams of turkey tail mushroom per day along with conventional treatment had a significant survival advantage.
The study showed that people with breast cancer, gastric cancer or colorectal cancer treated with turkey tail and chemotherapy experienced a 9% reduction in 5-year mortality compared to chemotherapy alone. If you want the study info, let me know.
Keeping a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria in your gut is critical for maintaining a strong immune system. Your gut bacteria interact with immune cells and directly impact your immune response. Turkey tail contains prebiotics, which help nourish these helpful bacteria.
What’s even cooler? This hard hitter doesn’t have any poisonous look-a-likes in the US (though there are inedible/unpalatable copycats) and it grows all over the place, almost. Look for dead logs in the fall until December/January in California and you might find a colony (though they do grow year around in some areas). Happy foraging!”
Also, they don’t have a great texture. Dry them, grind them into a powder and put them into capsules or soups, stews and sauces. Or, make a tea with pieces. They taste fine.”