Foraging Elderberries!


Here’s some great suggestions from Provider Staffer, Jen Cordaro!

“What’s your favorite way to eat an elderberry? Wild elderberries are my favorite thing to forage during archery deer season. It’s such a versatile immune boosting food source. I always keep elderberry syrup on hand for colds, flu and general feelings of being run down—and to add a little sugar or honey to for pancakes and waffles. They make great baked goods and wine too! They even make a great wild soda. The naturally occurring yeast on the berries is often just enough to cause mild fermentation and give carbonation to this sweet drink.

Freeze flower heads to get the berries to separate from the stem easily and dehydrate to bring out maximum sweetness. They’ll keep for a long time both dried or frozen. Just be sure to only eat fully ripe berries. Green berries and stems are not edible.”

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