Snake Weed!

Foraging in the desert…

Snakeweed aka Gutierrezia sarothrae or ESCOBA DE LA VIBORA.

This is a revered plant for indigenous peoples of our areas, traditionally utilized to remedy the pain and discomfort of joint inflammation such as arthritis and rheumatism in winter months.

As an antimicrobial herb, the plants aerial parts can be used internally and externally for headache, stomachache, aching body parts, heavy menstruation, wounds and skin outbreaks. It’s a go-to herb, and one that literally grows abundantly from 3,000 to 9,500 feet on high, dry slopes and mesas where forests are sparse. According to sources there are over 150 million acres of Escoba in the western USA.

Recommended application is to simply brew a tea, add to bath water, and save a cup to sip while soaking. The herb has a unique ability to permeate and absorb deeply within. We’ve made a salve of it for topical applications …specifically psoriatic arthritis, as it’s actions align well with the symptoms.

Mother Earth always for the win Provider Outdoors!!

📸Provider Outdoors staffer and owner of SunRae Herbals, Dee Norleen

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